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Showing posts from January, 2007


Last night I played wallyball, the regular Tuesday outing. I may just be on a good streak, but I think I'm playing better because I go every week since Meg keeps choosing basketball instead. We won three games, and every one was a come-from-behind 15 to 13 win. Those were tough battles. Fun!

Just Plodding Along

My grill tools arrived from Anthem today. I don't think my grill is good enough to go with them; I'm going to have to get a new grill, maybe bigger, maybe stainless steel, better yet enamelled steel. I think that'll help me get in better shape. They're in a little silver suitcase. I really want to take them somewhere. I'd feel like James Bond with the attache case, or the guy who carries the nuclear launch codes for the President, or -- hey what about the suitcase in Pulp Fiction ? Yesterday and Sunday all I did was go for a walk. Here's the sign for where I am on my virtual Appalachian Trail hike. Somewhere in Virginia. I might be getting close to halfway to Maine. I wonder if I can get to the virtual Katahdin by the time we go back to hike Katahdin next September?

Follow-Up to Saturday

Since I ran in the Big Man Run in Somerville a few years ago, I'm on the emailing list of baevents , which is associated with the Somerville Striders . If any of you guys want to run in one of their events, give me a holler if you'd like me along.

"The 5K...America's Favorite Road Race"

It's 9 AM Saturday. I'm home from playing basketball, sitting down with a coffee and a bagel. The horrendous cold deterred me from walking to the gym this morning. I tried to make up for it by running a little harder during the games (It doesn't take much running to run harder than I normally do), but long-established habits die hard, and last night's ales and popcorn and chicken wings were parching me. For the record, my team shot worse, passed worse, generally handled the ball worse, rebounded worse, and somehow still managed to win two out of three games. As I said in email, I usually run a few 5K road races in the spring. With the support of the K Team maybe I'll add a couple more this year. My first two are coming in early March: The Irish Road Rover here in Portland on March 4, and the Kerryman Pub 5K and Mary's Walk in Saco on March 11. Any of you guys that want to come up and join in are invited -- you could sleep over Sat. night if you like. T...

Return of the Bonus Feature: Capricorn

Don't trust appearances. Someone has something up their sleeve. Trusted friends lend more support than a push up bra. The stars leave you feeling grounded and in control. Use this time to hone your mad skillz in skeleton drawing. Club feet and oblong heads will not impress. Keep calm under pressure. New projects keep you busy. Clarity of purpose will help you solve your problems. Dog walking becomes your favorite hobby after you pick up the habit of eating cigarette butts.

Exercise Cartoon from my School Wellness Team

Here's the Fatbastard workout program. Jumpin' Johnny wouldn't have to look for the sweatpants and sneakers, 'cause that's his weekend outfit, but he wouldn't go near the treadmill. Oldathan would just take that supersize combo meal straight to the recliner, with a couple Sammies on the side.

Improving the blog

I just changed the settings so that anyone may post comments. So if you didn't want to register, you don't have to. I also sent invitations to some of you to become team members, which means you can post as well as comment, though you must register to do that. Blogger only let me send three invitations at one time, so I'll send more as time allows.

Get Healthy, Get Ready! Get Off!

Candy Says, "These are the health benefits of SEX (for women):" 1. Sex is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women make love they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth. 2. Gentle, relaxed lovemaking reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow. 3. Lovemaking can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner. 4. Sex is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers! 5. Sex is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being. 6. The more sex you have, the more you will be offered. The sexually active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones....

Go Ahead and Mock Me!

Danny wrote back: Thanks Meg, That's really great! Dan Which along with the way someone mocked the step count I posted, makes me feel like I've gotta let you guys know what I'm up against here: On Sunday Meg played basketball in her league, on Tuesday she played pick up basketball, on Wednesday she went to an organized team's practice to scrimmage against them. Tonight she'll ask me if I want to go run at S.P. Rec. Saturdays she likes to go to the Y to lift weights and use cardio machines. Some Sundays she likes to go for a run in the morning even if she's playing basketball that evening. She probably worked out Monday too, and I just wasn't really paying attention. So... Around this house, I'm the lazy shit. I had to set this aside for awhile, and Meg called in the meantime. She did ask if I wanted to run at S.P. Rec. On another note, here's a nice looking kegerator:

Bonus Feature

I've decided to add a monthly bonus: Asstrological Info ripped off from Kegerator.Net's Whore-O-Scope. Here's the profile for the sign just passed, Sagitarius– The ninth sign of the zodiac you are the Sage or Counselor.People often come to you for advice and you steer them right….right to the kegerator that is. All answers are found at the bottom of a keg, just like a fortune cookie. Always trying to find reason in everything that presents itself, you often drink yourself to oblivion in frustration. This is especially true if you are male and you are trying to find reason in your female mate. Get this Sagitarius! There is no reason in women! Your analytical thought also brings people down who enjoy making their bodies look twent years older from excessive drinking. Back off man! You’re being a downer. Just enjoy the kegerator.

Take That!

OK Fellas! Here's the motivational blog. I started tracking my rewards on Anthem last April, during the annual March Into May get-in-better-shape promo. Today my accumulated points let me order this grill tool set. Just think of all the steaks, burgers, ribs, etc. I'll be using these to cook!